Aims and Scope

The aim of International Journal of Language and Education Research (IJLER) is to provide a deep insight into the language, linguistics, language teaching, literature. The Journal provides academically a sound that is heard well and a word that is trusted and reliable enough. It works as a technological record to advance research and knowledge about the language. (IJLER) aims to present a highly readable and valuable addition to the academic career as well as language, linguistics, language teaching, literature issues as a demanding reference tool for years to come. Significantly, the coverage of the journal will include new theoretical and experimental findings in the fields of language, linguistics, language teaching, literature or any closely related fields. In addition, the journal encourages the submission of critical review articles that cover the recent research.

International Journal of Language and Education Research (IJLER) provides the most up-to-date academic research on the language, linguistics, language teaching, literature.  

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