International Journal of Language and Education Research is an open access-international peer-reviewed journal that is published three times a year. The published articles partially or completely in any way cannot be printed, reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Editorial Board is absolutely free whether to publish or not publish all the articles send to journal. Submitted papers will not be returned to the authors. International Journal of Language and Education Research, is an international peer-reviewed and indexed journal.
Scientific ethical and legal responsibility of all the manuscript published in the journal belongs to the authors and publishing rights belong to the journal. Without permission from the publisher, some or all of any work can not be published in other journals.
IJLER Journal is a Crossref Member and gives DOI number to the accepted manuscript.
Peer review policy: All relevant submissions will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and doubly-anonymised refereeing by at least two referees.
Editor: Prof. Dr. Ali Yakıcı
e-ISSN : 2717-6886
Journal Abbreviation: IJLER
DOI Prefix: 10.29329/ijler
Owner and Publisher: Press Glocal
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pp. 0-0 Volume 6, Issue 3 |
Administrative Strategies Adopted to Enhance Learners Performance of Kiswahili Language in Secondary Schools of Ruhaama County in Uganda
Aloyzius Akampwera, Emily Bomett & Karim Ssesanga pp. 194-212 Volume 6, Issue 3 |
Comprehending Foreign Languages Through Nonverbal Cues and Visual Elements in Music Clips: Case of Mustafa Ceceli’s « Es »
Kassim Boudjelal Safir pp. 168-193 Volume 6, Issue 3 |
Assessing Writing Proficiency Among National Technical Awards Level 4 Students in Mwanza, Tanzania
Simon Sitta Mabula Matondo & Mweru Mwingi pp. 149-167 Volume 6, Issue 3 |
The Development of English Instructional Model Based on Communicative Approach Theory
Bundit Anuyahong pp. 129-148 Volume 6, Issue 3 |