|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2020, Vol. 2(1) 48-66

EFL Learning Motivation Among Students of Islamic Studies: The Case of Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institution

Nourddine Amrous

pp. 48 - 66   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2020.235.4   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2003-19-0005

Published online: April 15, 2020  |   Number of Views: 269  |  Number of Download: 1069


The present study was predicated upon two main objectives. The first was to explore the L2 Motivational Self System of Islamic Studies students. This undertaking consisted in measuring the impact of the ‘ideal L2 self’, the ‘ought-to L2 self’ and the ‘L2 learning experience’ variables on their ‘intended effort’ to learn English. As a second objective, the study purported to elicit the views of these participants on the importance of learning the language, account being taken of their motivational behavior qua Islamic studies students. A thirty-six-item questionnaire was administered to forty-four male and female students at Dar El Hadith El Hassania (DHH) in Rabat, Morocco. This instrument was complemented with an interview with four students in order to infer their perceptions as to their overall English language learning motivation. Results from the regression measure run showed that attitude towards learning                      — operationalized herein as a key exponent of the L2 learning    experience— and the ideal L2 self were predictors of intended effort among these learners. Analysis of the interview responses also corroborated the foregoing statistical finding.

Keywords: English in education, Dar El Hadith El Hassania, L2 Motivational Self System, intended effort, attitudes.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Amrous, N. (2020). EFL Learning Motivation Among Students of Islamic Studies: The Case of Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institution . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 2(1), 48-66. doi: 10.29329/ijler.2020.235.4

Amrous, N. (2020). EFL Learning Motivation Among Students of Islamic Studies: The Case of Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institution . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 2(1), pp. 48-66.

Chicago 16th edition
Amrous, Nourddine (2020). "EFL Learning Motivation Among Students of Islamic Studies: The Case of Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institution ". International Journal of Language and Education Research 2 (1):48-66. doi:10.29329/ijler.2020.235.4.