|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2020, Vol. 2(3) 1-20

The Use of Communication Games in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners in Beginner Level

Muhammed Eyyüp Sallabaş & Büşra Seyhan

pp. 1 - 20   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2020.256.1   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2006-07-0002

Published online: June 25, 2020  |   Number of Views: 97  |  Number of Download: 906


The fact that Turkey has recently taken steps to enhance the communication with other countries and increased the opportunities for foreign students to have education in Turkey boosted the demand to learn Turkish as a foreign language. However, one of the biggest problems in this field is the relatively low quality and quantity of the materials that are insufficient to meet the demands for learning Turkish. Games, which foreign language teachers frequently make use of in their classes, are known to reduce the anxiety levels of students, add the “fun” element to the class and help students revise what has been taught. Games are activities in which individuals compete against others or collaborate with each other to reach a certain goal within a specified framework. There have been numerous works related to the use of games in foreign language education so far, though a great amount of them were written in English and focused on teaching English as a foreign language. Jill Hadfield’s “Elementary Communication Games” (1985), “Advanced Communication Games” (1996) and “Advanced Speaking Games” (2001) are some of the most used books in this area. These books include easy to use, highly practical and cost-effective games that can be used in almost all language levels. The aim of this study is to increase the quality and the quantity of the games used in the beginning level of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. With this aim, a total of 20 communication games were designed based on the A1 speaking outcomes of “İstanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe” course book. These games were applied in a class of 12 Turkish learners for 8 weeks and they were evaluated by the learners in terms of their advantages and disadvantages in a focus group interview. At the end of the meeting, these results were obtained: Games are effective tools in teaching Turkish to foreigners, improve the retention time of what has been learned, help students learn new words, increase the interaction and cooperation among students, decrease their anxiety levels of speaking Turkish and break the monotonous routine of classes etc.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish to Foreigners, Beginner Level, Games, Communication games.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Sallabas, M.E. & Seyhan, B. (2020). The Use of Communication Games in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners in Beginner Level . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 2(3), 1-20. doi: 10.29329/ijler.2020.256.1

Sallabas, M. and Seyhan, B. (2020). The Use of Communication Games in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners in Beginner Level . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 2(3), pp. 1-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Sallabas, Muhammed Eyyup and Busra Seyhan (2020). "The Use of Communication Games in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners in Beginner Level ". International Journal of Language and Education Research 2 (3):1-20. doi:10.29329/ijler.2020.256.1.