Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2024, Vol. 6(1) 112-126
Yuan Zhang, Yifeng Fan & Song Jin
pp. 112 - 126 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2024.661.7 | Manu. Number: MANU-2403-09-0001.R1
Published online: April 30, 2024 | Number of Views: 63 | Number of Download: 251
This paper aims at studying the images of two main characters “Guo Jing” and “Huang Rong (Lotus)” in the target text, the first two English volumes of Legends of the Condor Heroes written by Jin Yong in Chinese and translated by Holmwood and Chang. With the help of LancsBox’s “graphcoll”, it analyses the collocates of the key words “Jing” and “Lotus” to see whether the choices of expressions in the target text influence the portraits of the hero and heroine. The study found that translators used different translation strategies to get close to the original text yet each translator has her own preferences, influenced by their own cultural background, which leads to a gap in presenting the protagonists. This study hopes to provide some thoughts to Chinese college students on translation studies and proper application of translation strategies to tell Chinese stories well.
Keywords: Corpus; Images of Protagonists; Translation Teaching
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APA 6th edition Harvard Chicago 16th edition |
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