|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2024, Vol. 6(2) 142-164

Teaching Turkish to Foreign Children in Preschool Period with Harezmi Education Model

Hulusi Geçgel, Hilal Şirin Karaman, Bilge Üreyener, Ayşe Kalkan & Burcu Muş Satış

pp. 142 - 164   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2407-17-0001

Published online: August 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 12  |  Number of Download: 22


The new needs brought by the 21st century have necessitated innovations and transformations in education. The information era has increased students' distractibilities and cognitive focus problems, and increasing migration has led to the need for new teaching models in education. Especially in teaching Turkish to foreign children in the preschool period, the necessity of a model aimed at problem solving and learning-by-doing has emerged. It is desirable to meet the psychological needs of the student related to learning, to improve the comprehensibility and applicability of education and to improve learning a new language with new approaches. The Harezmî Education Model, which proposes a different strategy for the new century, aims to offer a new understanding and a new perspective on the education system, unlike conventional teaching strategies and models. Unlike traditional teaching models, the Harezmî Education Model aims to turn the student into an individual who produces and shapes technology rather than consuming it. This model focuses on developing knowledge-based thinking, interdisciplinary communication and problem solving skills. This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the Harezmî Education Model in preschool Turkish language teaching and teachers' attitudes towards this model. For this purpose, case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of preschool teachers working in public schools in a province in western Turkey. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool in the research. Content analysis method was used to analyze the data. In this study, it was concluded that the Harezmî Education Model encourages learning process by doing and experiencing on foreign students in preschool education, and that an education based on problem solving also contributes to Turkish learning.

Keywords: teaching Turkish as a foreign language, Harezmî education model, preschool, language teaching models

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Gecgel, H., Karaman, H.S., Ureyener, B., Kalkan, A. & Satis, B.M. (2024). Teaching Turkish to Foreign Children in Preschool Period with Harezmi Education Model . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(2), 142-164.

Gecgel, H., Karaman, H., Ureyener, B., Kalkan, A. and Satis, B. (2024). Teaching Turkish to Foreign Children in Preschool Period with Harezmi Education Model . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(2), pp. 142-164.

Chicago 16th edition
Gecgel, Hulusi, Hilal Sirin Karaman, Bilge Ureyener, Ayse Kalkan and Burcu Mus Satis (2024). "Teaching Turkish to Foreign Children in Preschool Period with Harezmi Education Model ". International Journal of Language and Education Research 6 (2):142-164.


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