Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2024, Vol. 6(2) 105-121
Ece Oran & Yusuf Avcı
pp. 105 - 121 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2024.1059.6 | Manu. Number: MANU-2407-21-0002
Published online: August 30, 2024 | Number of Views: 23 | Number of Download: 99
The aim of this study is to make a comparison between the courses by analyzing the end of theme assessment questions in the textbooks used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language according to the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. As a result of the analysis, the end-of-theme assessment questions were classified according to the cognition stages in the revised Bloom's taxonomy. "Document analysis", one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of "Yeni İstanbul Turkish Teaching Set for Foreigners" and "Yedi İklim Turkish Yunus Emre Institute Teaching Set". When the findings of the study are examined, it is seen that end-of-the-the-theme evaluation questions are included at the end of each unit. However, the publishing houses are not parallel to each other in terms of the amount of questions they use. Yeni İstanbul Turkish for Foreigners Teaching Set is superior to Yedi İklim Turkish Yunus Emre Institute Teaching Set in terms of the amount and variety of questions. Both teaching sets concentrate on basic level (recall, comprehension, application) cognition stages. Higher (analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing) cognition stages are not sufficiently included. There is no significant parallelism between the progression of cognitive steps as the level of the course increases.
Keywords: Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, Textbook, Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, end of theme evaluation questions
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