|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2024, Vol. 6(3) 48-76

Learning Styles of General Foundation Programme Students: Basis For Enhanced Teaching Methodology 

Rosanna Manalo, Amabelle Olıva Enanorıa & Raiya Al Mahruqi

pp. 48 - 76   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2409-22-0003

Published online: December 29, 2024  |   Number of Views: 6  |  Number of Download: 17


Primordial to educators is to ensure that quality learning takes place -- unleash students’ potentials by their own capacity and interests. The study aims to determine the students’ learning styles and correlate to propose teaching methodologies. In a descriptive-evaluative method, 67 respondents from GFP-Gulf College, Sultanate of Oman AY 2020-2021 participated in a web-administered- 24-statement- instrument of VAK learning style of Neil Fleming (Fleming, 2001). Frequency-Percentages profiled the students into gender and mode of study; performed two-sample-t-test to obtain mean-difference- of learning styles’ scores by Gender and Mode of Study; Kendall’s-Tau-b to correlate gender and study-mode to learning style; & Partial Correlation to relate gender and learning styles removing study-mode effect. Students are mostly visual learners particularly females.  Males are auditory- oriented. Morning respondents are visual learners while evening respondents are visual- and auditory -combined. In visual and kinesthetic style, gender does not matter but in auditory learning, it does.   Morning and evening study-modes do not differ in visual and kinesthetic learning but vary in auditory style.  Evening students use auditory learning thus study-mode is statistically related to auditory learning.  Controlling for the study-mode effect, gender to some extent affect auditory and kinesthetic learners. Males and females do not differ in visual and kinesthetic but vary in auditory. Association of gender and study-mode to auditory learning is significantly weak. Regardless of gender and mode of study, auditory or visual styles are preferred. Removing study-mode effect, there are more male-auditory learners. Determining learning style is an advantage for differing teaching strategies.

Keywords: learning style, learning preferences, teaching methodology, visual, kinesthetic, auditory

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Manalo, R., Enanoria, A.O. & Mahruqi, R.A. (2024). Learning Styles of General Foundation Programme Students: Basis For Enhanced Teaching Methodology  . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(3), 48-76.

Manalo, R., Enanoria, A. and Mahruqi, R. (2024). Learning Styles of General Foundation Programme Students: Basis For Enhanced Teaching Methodology  . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(3), pp. 48-76.

Chicago 16th edition
Manalo, Rosanna, Amabelle Oliva Enanoria and Raiya Al Mahruqi (2024). "Learning Styles of General Foundation Programme Students: Basis For Enhanced Teaching Methodology  ". International Journal of Language and Education Research 6 (3):48-76.


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