Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Language and Education Research 2024, Vol. 6(3) 149-167

Assessing Writing Proficiency Among National Technical Awards Level 4 Students in Mwanza, Tanzania

Simon Sitta Mabula Matondo & Mweru Mwingi

pp. 149 - 167

Publish Date: December 29, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 10/18   |   Single/Total Download: 12/18


This study has examined the writing proficiency of National Technical Awards (NTA) Level 4 students in tertiary institutions in Mwanza, Tanzania. Three objectives guided the study including assessing the overall writing proficiency of NTA Level 4 students in essay writing, identifying the specific areas of strengths and weaknesses in their writing skills, and lastly, exploring potential factors influencing the writing proficiency levels of NTA Level 4 students. It has been found that NTA Level 4 students face numerous challenges in essay writing, including affective, cognitive, and linguistic problems. It has also been revealed that the lack of writing proficiency can lead to poor communication skills, limited critical thinking, reduced academic performance, and limited research skills among students. The study has highlighted that the abrupt shift of language from Kiswahili in primary schools to English in secondary schools particularly in public schools creates a weak base in producing language skills like writing.

Keywords: Assessment of writing proficiency, writing skills, national technical award level 4, areas of strength and weakness in essay writing, factors influencing writing proficiency.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Matondo, S.S.M., & Mwingi, M. (2024). Assessing Writing Proficiency Among National Technical Awards Level 4 Students in Mwanza, Tanzania. International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(3), 149-167.

Matondo, S. and Mwingi, M. (2024). Assessing Writing Proficiency Among National Technical Awards Level 4 Students in Mwanza, Tanzania. International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(3), pp. 149-167.

Chicago 16th edition
Matondo, Simon Sitta Mabula and Mweru Mwingi (2024). "Assessing Writing Proficiency Among National Technical Awards Level 4 Students in Mwanza, Tanzania". International Journal of Language and Education Research 6 (3):149-167.


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