Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Language and Education Research 2024, Vol. 6(3) 194-212
pp. 194 - 212
Publish Date: December 29, 2024 | Single/Total View: 9/21 | Single/Total Download: 16/25
This study investigated the Administrative Strategies Adopted to Enhance Learners Performance of Kiswahili Language in Secondary Schools of Ruhaama County in Uganda. The study adopted to embedded mixed methods a descriptive design with much emphasis on quantitative data. The sample size was 314 participants including 27 Kiswahili teachers selected purposively, 267 students selected on a simple random basis, and 20 headteachers on a census basis. Data collection adopted the use of semi-structured questionnaires and interview guides. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using graphs, pie charts, and frequency tables, and qualitative data was analyzed thematically categorizing emerging themes together. The secondary schools had own initiated strategies adopted for improved learner Kiswahili performance. However, learner-centered teaching strategies of Kiswahili debates, group discussions, and libraries use were rare in schools. This findings from this study advocates for Transformative leadership in schools to champion Active Teaching and Learning (ATL) to cater for individual learner differences and them exploit their potential in learning.
Keywords: Secondary Schools, Administrative Strategies, Learners Performance, Kiswahili Language
APA 7th edition
Akampwera, A., Bomett, E., & Ssesanga, K. (2024). Administrative Strategies Adopted to Enhance Learners Performance of Kiswahili Language in Secondary Schools of Ruhaama County in Uganda. International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(3), 194-212.
Akampwera, A., Bomett, E. and Ssesanga, K. (2024). Administrative Strategies Adopted to Enhance Learners Performance of Kiswahili Language in Secondary Schools of Ruhaama County in Uganda. International Journal of Language and Education Research, 6(3), pp. 194-212.
Chicago 16th edition
Akampwera, Aloyzius, Emily Bomett and Karim Ssesanga (2024). "Administrative Strategies Adopted to Enhance Learners Performance of Kiswahili Language in Secondary Schools of Ruhaama County in Uganda". International Journal of Language and Education Research 6 (3):194-212.
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