|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

Original article | International Journal of Language and Education Research 2023, Vol. 5(2) 1-36

Investigation of EFL Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices of Communicative Tasks in Teaching English Speaking Skills: Assosa University in Focus

Melkamu Gari & Abebe G/Tsadik

pp. 1 - 36   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2023.591.1   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2307-25-0001

Published online: August 30, 2023  |   Number of Views: 89  |  Number of Download: 429


The purpose of this study was to investigate EFL instructors' knowledge and pedagogical practices of communicative tasks in teaching English speaking skills Assosa University in Focus. The study employed the explanatory sequential method. The data for this study were collected through questionnaires, interviews and observations from a total of 180 students and 26 instructors. Then, the data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings of the study showed the instructors had favorable knowledge about the contribution of communicative tasks to the development of students’ speaking ability, but they lacked confidence to implement task-based speaking because of their students’ poor speaking. As a result, the instructors preferred to use instructor-fronted approaches in the classroom. Such an approach denied the students opportunities of self directed practice during the speaking lessons. Students’ lack of awareness about task-based learning led them not to tell about the meaning of task-based speaking. The conclusion made from the study is that there is a mismatch between the instructors’ knowledge and practices of the speaking-tasks. This seems to have resulted in the students’ inadequate speaking skills development. This study implies that instructors should develop confidence in implementing task based speaking. Moreover, they should support and encourage their students to take part in the speaking classes where they learn better and practice speaking effectively.

Keywords: EFL Teachers' Knowledge, Pedagogical Practice, Communicative Tasks, and Speaking Skill

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Gari, M. & G/Tsadik, A. (2023). Investigation of EFL Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices of Communicative Tasks in Teaching English Speaking Skills: Assosa University in Focus . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 5(2), 1-36. doi: 10.29329/ijler.2023.591.1

Gari, M. and G/Tsadik, A. (2023). Investigation of EFL Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices of Communicative Tasks in Teaching English Speaking Skills: Assosa University in Focus . International Journal of Language and Education Research, 5(2), pp. 1-36.

Chicago 16th edition
Gari, Melkamu and Abebe G/Tsadik (2023). "Investigation of EFL Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices of Communicative Tasks in Teaching English Speaking Skills: Assosa University in Focus ". International Journal of Language and Education Research 5 (2):1-36. doi:10.29329/ijler.2023.591.1.


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