|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

International Journal of Language and Education Research 2019, Vol. 1(1) 26-43

An Evaluation of Grammar Sections of İstanbul Basic Level Teaching Turkish to Foreigners Textbook

Lokman Tanrıkulu & M. Naz Akgül

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  United States 49 91
Unknown 33 62
  Turkey 29 44
  Russian Federation 10 12
  India 8 8
  Algeria 2 2
  China 2 4
Unknown 1 1
  Saudi Arabia 1 1
  Vietnam 1 3
  Armenia 1 1
  United Kingdom 1 2
  Bangladesh 1 1
  Ethiopia 0 1
  Israel 0 1
  Germany 0 4
  Sweden 0 1
  Morocco 0 2
  France 0 3
  Brazil 0 1
Total 20 countries