|  e-ISSN: 2717-6886

International Journal of Language and Education Research 2019, Vol. 1(1) 44-55

The Woman Personality of an Iraqi Novel (Saturn Ladies) Specimen

Salwa Jarjees Salman & Asmaa Bakr Khuder

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

Unknown 78 113
  United States 71 159
  Turkey 21 31
  Ireland 20 20
  Iraq 20 27
  Russian Federation 13 15
  India 11 14
  Armenia 8 10
  Bangladesh 4 4
  Morocco 4 4
  China 3 5
  Ethiopia 1 1
  Tanzania 1 3
  Egypt 1 2
  Rwanda 1 1
  Jordan 1 2
  Algeria 1 2
  Thailand 1 1
  Hong Kong 1 1
  Pakistan 1 1
  United Kingdom 1 3
  Malaysia 1 1
  Iran 1 2
  France 0 3
  Belarus 0 1
  Switzerland 0 2
  Germany 0 1
  Mexico 0 1
  Bhutan 0 1
  Saudi Arabia 0 1
  Indonesia 0 1
  Greece 0 1
  Philippines 0 3
  Finland 0 1
  Ukraine 0 1
  Palestinian Territory 0 1
  Korea, Republic of 0 1
  Canada 0 2
  Kazakhstan 0 2
Unknown 0 1
  Israel 0 1
  United Arab Emirates 0 1
Total 42 countries