Volume 3 Issue 3 (December 2021)
Issue Information Issue Information

Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2021.586


Keywords: Issue Information

Original Articles Analysis of Texts in the Turkish Language Textbook in Terms of The Use of Idioms

Hulusi Geçgel & Caner Zıvalı

pp. 1 - 15   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2021.586.1


Every nation aims to keep its language and culture alive by transferring it to the next generations. This cultural transmission is provided implicitly by the environment and through education by the government. Idioms, which are one of the stereotypical groups of words reflecting the life and thinking, traditions and customs of our community, are important in this regard. In this study, MEB 8th it is aimed to examine and evaluate the texts in the classroom Turkish textbook in terms of idiom use. In the study, the document analysis method, which is a qualitative research method, was used. The obtained data were analyzed by means of descriptive analysis. A total of forty texts distributed in such a way that there are five of the eight themes included in the book have been examined in terms of their use of idioms. The data obtained were tabulated and interpreted. As a result of the examination, it was found that the number of phrases in the texts varies greatly according to the themes and does not provide a regular distribution in the texts within the theme. Suggestions have been made to make more accurate use of idioms in textbooks.

Keywords: Textbook, idiom, language, education, culture.

Original Articles Culture Carried from Turkish Mythology to Anatolia

Ünzüle Ulus Avcı & Hatice ÇETİNKAYA

pp. 16 - 43   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijler.2021.586.2


Mythology is a branch of science that examines the culture, beliefs, traditions, customs and values of societies. Existing societies have created many artefacts to reflect and perpetuate these phenomena contained in mythology. Turks have also created very rich and original products in this respect. Especially the mythological symbols and motifs in the works give us a lot of information about the material and spiritual characteristics of the Turks. Among these symbols, the most popular and dominant animal symbols are almost identified with the first Turkish communities. In the works of art that have emerged since the beginning of Turkish art, animal figures, symbols and symbols in Turkish mythology are used in traditional and cultural contexts. The cult of animals in these mythological cultures is frequently encountered in every field of art. Especially in the periods before Islam, Hun and Uighur Turks used carpets with lions, deer, horses, cattle, chamois, sheep, roosters, wolves, bulls and eagles. It is seen that animal symbols, which have such an important position in our history, are reflected in almost every field of handicrafts. The mysterious residues of these animal bodies in Turkish mythology continue to live in the handicrafts of Gaziantep province with symbols. In this research, in the handicrafts made in Gaziantep province, the animal symbols in Turkish Mythology were emphasised. In the products made within the framework of these handicrafts; It has been determined that motifs such as butterfly, ram, lion, snake, bear, horse, fish, fish, rooster / chicken, elephant, deer, rabbit, cat, bird, pigeon, goose, eagle are used. Our study consists of the products defined under the title of "Knowledge and Practices Related to Nature and the Universe" of the "Convention on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage" accepted by UNESCO. This study aims to create intangible cultural heritage inventories that should be protected and transferred to future generations according to the provisions of the aforementioned convention.

Keywords: Gaziantep, Turkish Mythology, Animal Symbols, Handicrafts, Intangible Cultural Heritage.