Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Issue Information Keywords: Issue Information | |
Original Articles Examination of 7th Grade Turkish Textbook Texts By Bibliotherapy Technique
Merve Babayiğit & Hulusi Geçgel pp. 1 - 17 | DOI: Abstract The aim of the study is to determine the bibliotherapeutic elements in the texts of the 7th grade Turkish textbooks of MEB publications. In the study, the documents were examined in detail by using the case design, which is one of the qualitative research methods. Document analysis, which is considered as a systematic method, was used to collect data. The data were collected from the texts of the 7th grade Turkish textbook of MEB Publications. A new rubric was used to collect the data, using the list developed by Erdemir (2016). The frequency values of the obtained data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. Based on the data, a total of 152 bibliotherapeutic elements were identified in the texts, and it was observed that these elements were disproportionately distributed among the texts and themes. It has been determined that the most common bibliotherapeutic element (f=19) in the 7th grade Turkish textbook texts is "having national, spiritual and cultural values", and the least element is "being sensitive to the problems of the globalizing world". In order to use bibliotherapy more effectively and efficiently, providing in-service training to teachers and getting opinions from experts on this subject for texts to be included in Turkish textbooks are suggested as solutions. Keywords: Bibliotherapy, Recovery, Turkish Textbook, Reading. | |
Original Articles The Awareness of Turkish Language Teacher Candidates’ about the Writers and Poets in Contemporary Children’s Literature (2000 And Later)
Hülya Sel - Ali Türkel & Koray Öz pp. 18 - 39 | DOI: Abstract In this study, the awareness of Turkish teacher candidates on today’s writers and poets has been researched. The main aim of this study is to maintain the awareness of Turkish teacher candidates on the writers and poets of children’s literature. This study is a descriptive study in general survey model. Qualitative data have been analyzed via content analysis. This study’s data have been gathered from the students of fourth grade in İzmir Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Education Faculty, Turkish Teaching department. The Publishers which regularly bring out Children’s Literature work since the year of 2000 have been selected among the members of Turkish Publishers’ Association and the list of writers and poets have been made from these publishers. The questionnaire which was prepared by taking three experts’ opinions has been addressed to the fourth-grade students of Dokuz Eylül University Turkish Teaching Department and analyzed. As a result, it has been concluded that large majority of the Turkish Teacher candidates has insufficient awareness on the writers and poets of Children’s Literature. Keywords: Children's Literature, Turkish Teacher Candidates, Children's Literature Writers and Poets |